Nadškof Cvikl, +1, Post | 28.2.2021 Homily by Archbishop Msgr Alojzij Cvikl on the 2nd Sunday of Lent
Nadškof Zore, +1, Post | 27.2.2021 Homily by Archbishop Stanislav Zore at Holy Mass on the 2nd Sunday of Lent
Karitas, +2, Post, Romanje | 26.2.2021 Homily by Archbishop Stanislav Zore at Holy Mass of Slovenian Caritas on 40 Days without Alcohol Campaign
COVID19, +1, SŠK | 25.2.2021 First Anniversary of Measures against Coronavirus Epidemic in Catholic Church
Nova evangelizacija, +1, Teologija | 24.2.2021 Statement of Commission for Evangelization at SBC: Let Us Revive the Service of Reconciliation
Izjava, +2, SŠK, Zaščita otrok | 20.2.2021 Press Release of Expert Group for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons at SBC
Ekumenizem, +1, Škofija Celje | 19.2.2021 Congratulations to New Patriarch of Serbian Orthodox Church on behalf of Slovenian Ecumenical Council
Ekumenizem, +1, Nadškof Zore | 19.2.2021 Archbishop Stanislav Zore Congratulated New Patriarch of Serbian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije
Ekumenizem, +1, Škofija Murska Sobota | 19.2.2021 Statement of Murska Sobota Bishop, Peter Štumpf, on Election of Metropolitan of Zagreb and Ljubljana, His Holiness Porfirije Perić, as Patriarch of Serbian Orthodox Church
COVID19, +1, SŠK | 16.2.2021 Explanation of SBC regarding the Performance of Religious Rituals and Pastoral Activity during the Release of Measures (Orange Phase)
Dobrodelnost, +2, Misijonar, Radio Ognjišče | 15.2.2021 The 19th Radio Ognjišče Pustna Sobotna Iskrica Show Collected 197, 443 Euros for Children of the Amazon
Evharistija, +1, Nadškof Cvikl | 14.2.2021 Homily by Archbishop Msgr Alojzij Cvikl on the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time
CCEE, +2, Katoliška cerkev, Okolje | 12.2.2021 Videoconferences on International Cooperation and Protection of Creation
Evharistija, +1, Nadškof Cvikl | 7.2.2021 Homily by Archbishop Alojzij Cvikl on the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
COVID19, +2, Kultura, Nadškof Zore | 7.2.2021 Homily by Archbishop Stanislav Zore on the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Civilna družba, +1, Nadškof Zore | 3.2.2021 Meeting of Archbishop Stanislav Zore and President of the Republic Borut Pahor
Nadškof Zore, +1, Redovništvo | 2.2.2021 Homily by Archbishop Stanislav Zore at Holy Mass on Day for Consecrated Life 2021
Praznik, +1, Škofija Murska Sobota | 2.2.2021 Homily by Bishop Peter Štumpf at Candlemas: Religious - Radiance of Lord's Light among Us