Interview at Radio Slovenia on Helping Religious Workers in the Epidemic

21.11.2020 Slovenija Civilna družba, SŠK
Gost oddaje Sledi večnosti je bil dr. Andrej Naglič - Foto: Družina

In the Covid-19 epidemic, the government banned religious workers from performing rituals in public. Religious life has withdrawn into privacy, which causes a great deal of grief and other mental distress in many believers, as well as in religious workers as many ministers acknowledge.

Due to the ban on performing rituals, churches and religious communities are facing a significant reduction in people's voluntary contributions. They are running out of money to maintain religious buildings that are part of the cultural heritage, as well as to pay social security contributions for religious workers. Therefore, at the suggestion of churches and religious communities, the government came to their rescue with a basic monthly income and a higher social security contribution. PhD Andrej Naglič from the Catholic Church and M. A. Nevzet Porić from the Islamic Community in Slovenia discuss the mentioned help in this week's broadcast of the radio show, called Sledi večnosti.