Congratulations of Cardinal Franc Rode to Bishop of Novo mesto Andrej Saje

30.6.2021 Rim, Italija Škofija Novo mesto

Dear Mr Bishop Andrej,

On your appointment as Bishop of Novo mesto, I congratulate you sincerely, and I recommend your demanding service to the Eternal Shepherd, who never leaves his flock, but always protects and cares for it. May He inspire your thoughts and guide your steps to the spiritual well-being of the people that the Lord has entrusted to you.

When I took up the office of Bishop of Ljubljana in the spring of 1997, you stood by me as a secretary with wise advice, for which I am still grateful to you today. After that, you went to Rome, where you brilliantly completed your studies of Church law with a doctorate. Today, the Lord is opening new areas of work for you in His vineyard. May the years ahead be for the blessing and eternal happiness of God's people.

You are in my prayers.

Respectfully Yours, 

Card. Franc Rode