We live in God’s miracle…
Dear confirmands,
Slovenians are rejoicing in having our own country for 30 years. We would not have it without the help of the living and almighty God. He arranged everything that we can be free today, live in peace and also in prosperity. Thirty years ago, some people in Slovenia and some people abroad did not want us to live in a free homeland, but they could not resist the power of God. Independent Slovenia is God’s miracle. Slovenia is proof to the whole world of what God can do for the sake of many who at that time also prayed, suffered and some even died for independent Slovenia.
The sacrament of Holy Confirmation gives you all the help you need to continue the path of faith in Jesus and the path of beautiful and necessary works for our Slovenia. You are the future of Slovenia.
We seniors, we have done what we have done. As you can see, we sometimes did well and unfortunately sometimes not. Our mistakes must not stop you. Look for good examples. In addition to Jesus, you will find them in many good people you know.
On this occasion, I would like to thank those grandparents who have accompanied you to religious instruction, taught you to pray at home, encouraged you to go to Holy Mass, rejoiced with you when you were happy and cried with you when you cried. Grandparents are the rock on which your faith is strengthened. Today, many of you would not be able to have faith without your grandparents. Maybe some are already in heaven, and that is why they are praying for you even more now. They are closest to God and put your prayers and supplications into his glorious and benevolent Heart. Thank them for this in your prayers.
Dear confirmands, let us bravely move forward together. Jesus and his Mother Mary are with us always and everywhere.
Dr Peter Štumpf SDB
Bishop of Murska Sobota