Novelties in the Bishops’ Instructions for the period from May 14 to May 23, 2021, inclusive

15.5.2021 Cerkev na Slovenskem COVID19

The Slovenian bishops were acquainted with the new Ordinance on temporary restriction on implementation of freedom of religion in the Republic of Slovenia of May 12, 2021 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 73/2021). Based on the said ordinance, the bishops adopted new instructions from May 14 to May 23, 2021.

The bishops have decided that instead of the current 20 m2, 10m2 is applicable per believer or family in the churches. In addition, a maximum of 50% of the seats in churches may be occupied, meaning that every other bench is closed. In churches, individual believers or families must maintain a distance of 1.5 meters.

Outdoor religious rituals may be attended by 50 believers or families with 10 m2 for each, occupying a maximum of 50 % of seats. Believers and families attending outdoor religious ceremonies are required to maintain a distance of 1.5 m.

By the ordinance, the bishops have decided that in smaller churches or chapels, with an area of less than 500 m2, up to 50 believers or families may gather at religious ceremonies, considering a distance of 1.5 meters among them.

In the new instructions, the bishops allow choral singing and invite all choir leaders and parish priests to inform the singers about it and start rehearsals and sing in worship. In doing so, all singers must wear masks and maintain a distance of 1.5 meters unless they are members of the same household.

The bishops call on all priests and believers to respect all state and church instructions during the first holy communions and confirmations and adhere to the National Institute of Public Health measures. This applies to rituals and events that directly follow church ceremonies, such as socializing and feasts.

Dr Tadej Jakopič

SBC spokesperson